Well gang, it's that time of the year again. It seems like just yesterday we were naming Piranha 3-D the Summer Movie of the Summer 2010. Now it's time to do it all over again. It is looking like a sequel-tastic summer. As you regular readers of Film Frenulum know, we do not usually condone sequels. We reward originality. We'll admit there are a few sequels and remakes that have piqued our curiosities. Conan the Barbarian, Rise of the Planet of the Apes (AKA Rise of the Apes), Fright Night, and X-Men: First Class all have potential though we're not holding our breath. I was a huge Smurf fan as a kid, but the big screen version looks like total dreck. Why take a property that takes place in the olden days of knights and castles and such and update it to modern day New York? It makes as much sense as basing the next Sex and the City movie in Narnia. Director Raja Gosnell has a pretty awful track record, having previously bungled not one but two live action Scooby Doo movies. He did give the world Big Momma's House, so he's not all bad.
Anyways, we researched extensively the summer's upcoming releases. One source we used was Moving Pictures magazine's Summer Movies '11 guide. They preview pictures starting April 8 (technically early spring, but what evs) and run until August 26 (neglecting close to a month of summer, but calendars can tricky). Taking a page from their book we have decided to bestow our Summer Movie of the Summer 2011 award on a picture that technically starts in the spring. Don't worry though, we will wait ten days after it's release to see it on the first day of summer. Ladies and germs, without further ado, I give you our 2011 Summer Movie of the Summer......

J.J Abrams has turned out to be a pretty great director. He made the only watchable Mission Impossible movie and made the first Star Trek movie we have seen since 1986. We love the Spielberg small town adventure movies of the 80's and this looks like a fantastic tribute to them. We'll see, we've been wrong before. Apollo 18, Captain America, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark and Shark Night 3-D all sound awesome. Here is the IMDB description for Shark Night: "A weekend at a lake house in the Louisiana Gulf turns into a nightmare for seven vacationers as they are subjected to fresh-water shark attacks." I'm sold, let's make Shark Night an official runner-up. Alright, see you all back here next year. And don't forget the sunscreen.
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