The South is a land of mystery to me. Despite my mother being of Tennessee stock I am a born and raised Yankee. I have been south of the Mason Dixon line on many different occasions. The thing that confounds me most about the south is why it is so hard to get an iced coffee. It is late July. It's Mississippi. It's hotter than the devil's tushy and all you want to do is drink something both cold and caffeinated. So you stop at a donut shop. Ask the nice lady for a few donuts and an iced coffee. And you get a look like you offered sodomy lessons or something. So you buy a hot coffee and have to wait a half hour to drink it. The only thing I can figure is that the sweet tea industry is so strong in the south that it has strangled any competition iced coffee may have had. I had to travel another day and a half before finding a great place in Austin Texas that would sell me an iced coffee.
Shipley's is an excellent place for donuts or as they call them "do-nuts". I had a lemon and apple filled. Delightful. Perfectly assembled pastries. But I had nothing to wash them down with. If it were wintertime this wouldn't have been a problem. When it's close to a hundred degrees out, the last thing you want is a hot coffee. I swear to goodness I almost had a case of the vapors. And that is not something this Northern gentleman can abide.
Address: 2151 S Lamar Blvd, Oxford, MS 38655Price Range: $
Cuisine: Southern Do-Nut