Now you might be saying, yeah, but what makes you think you are qualified for this? I don't know. What's with all the questions? You a cop? When I was maybe 12 years old or so my family took a day trip to Block Island. We spent the day riding bikes around the island, stopping for lunch and browsing the stores. Before we left we decided to circle the island before catching the ferry back to the mainland. I was in the front, leading the pack. As we rode I noticed a video store coming up on the left. This was the mid 80's, the heyday of the video store. I could spend hours at the tiny local video shops, staring at all the great box covers, wishing my mom would relent and let me rent just one of the Death Stalker movies. Anyways, I immediately turned and crossed the road. I didn't look over my shoulder, didn't stop to think what I would do at this store. It's not like I could rent a movie there. I was almost run over. If I turned a few seconds later, I'd have been flattened. My folks both shit bricks. Their boneheaded, movie obssesed son blindly swerving into traffic to go to a video store hours from home. This is more or less what I am still doing. I look both ways now, but still eagerly, impractically ride my metaphorical bike in to metaphorical traffic to feed my very real cinemania. Perhaps I will be able to offer some insight. More likely I'll be another douche bag with an opinion and too much time on his hands. But hey it's free, right?